
  • The 12 Tools Used When a Spouse is Hiding Money in a Divorce

    The 12 Tools Used When a Spouse is Hiding Money in a Divorce

    Hiding Money in a Divorce does happen, but it is not as easy to do as people think. Also there are ways to defeat stealing marital assets. Since New York is an Equitable Distribution state, it is important to discover all of the marital assets. This act of hiding, dissipation or marital waste is illegal…

  • 3 Key Critical Facts about Health Insurance After Divorce

    3 Key Critical Facts about Health Insurance After Divorce

    Introduction One of the more critical issues in a divorce is the question of Health Insurance After Divorce. In many marriages, one spouse gets family health insurance coverage for the entire family. On divorce, spouses can no longer cover each other with employer-based health insurance. Unfortunately, this is federal law and a requirement of many…

  • Alimony, Maintenace and Remarriage after Divorce: The 3 Critically Important Points

    Alimony, Maintenace and Remarriage after Divorce: The 3 Critically Important Points

    Remarriage After Divorce: The Basics When post-divorce spousal support (we no longer use the term “alimony” in New York) is being paid, Remarriage After Divorce will end it. In some circumstances living with another person (“cohabitation”) could also end spousal support (“maintenance” or “alimony”). Post-Divorce Maintenance (“Support” or “Alimony”): The Definitions As I said above,…